Parish bulletin
Open the current Parish bulletin for up to date news
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) 16-2-2025 Bulletin
refer "NEWS & EVENTS' page for past bulletins.
Parish Priest's Message
Welcome to the website of Sacred Heart Parish, Preston. It opens a new door to our church which has welcomed many parishioners and visitors since 1914.
We are an active and friendly community, blessed with a wonderful spirit of hospitality.
We are an inclusive community and there are a range of activities and ministries in which parishioners can become involved. Our church has a special beauty and nobility that invites those who enter to prayer and reflection.
We welcome everyone to share their gifts and talents in the service of our community. If you are new to our parish, we hope you will find our church to be a friendly place to worship God. If you are looking for an excellent Catholic education for your child, we invite you to consider our Sacred Heart Primary School.
Since 2008 our parish has been served by priests from the international missionary Society of the Divine Word (SVD).
You are most welcome to join or visit us and we trust that you enjoy this website.
May the heart of Jesus live in our hearts and in the hearts of all people!
Kind regards,
Fr Aloysius Nato, SVD
Supporting your Parish
If you wish to financially support our Sacred Heart Parish you can contribute to the 1st Collection (Church offering) by direct deposit as follows:
Bank: NAB
Account Name: Sacred Heart Parish Church
BSB: 083-347
Account Number: 658787823
or you can contribute to the
2nd Collection (Presbytery/priest offering) via these details:
Bank: NAB
Account Name: Sacred Heart Parish Presbytery
BSB: 083-347
Account Number: 659026014
(For those who contribute through thanksgiving envelopes please use your envelope number or name as the description/reference).
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Daily Mass from St. Patrick's Cathedral can be attended live online every day at
Live telecast of Sunday Mass from St. Patrick's Cathedral
can be viewed on Channel 44 (31) at 11am
Sacrificial giving via QR code
To support our parish, you can make a donation by scanning this QR code which is unique to Sacred Heart Church, Preston.
It will give you direct access
to the CDF pay webpage
by following a few easy steps.
The QR code is also displayed
in the Church foyer.
Many thanks for your continued
generosity and support to Sacred Heart parish.
Copyright 2013. Sacred Heart Church Preston. All Rights Reserved.